Thursday, February 4, 2010


The year begins with an astounding look on 3 Khas faces... At least, I think they are grateful for getting me as their Form Teacher. I THINK !!! It has been ages since I hold a class, 5 years ago.

Well... 3 Khas. It is a good class. They paid their YURAN TAMBAHAN within a month. They have completed their PMR registrations. They also generously paid PIBG funds. Thanks to all of you.

I have new obligation this year. GURU KECERIAAN. It's burdening but I have to accept that as a challenge. I believe the administrator trust me for this position.

January passed tremendously exiciting for me. I completed all task successfully. My resolutions this year... 3K students will obtain good results in PMR subsequent their triumph will make me happy for the rest of my life.