Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Skimming for Gist

The Importance of Rainforest
Malaysia has the oldest rainforests in the world which maintain the ecosystem balance.They absorb the carbon dioxide and release oxygen in the air. Without them the Earth heat up and the ice caps melt.Rainforests contain greatest diversity of plants and animals which become the medicinal substances for many diseases. Deforestation has accelerated greatly and threatens the population of primitive tribe.Therefore, let us take definite steps to save the environment for our future generations.

Water Conservation
The earth is covered by a lot of water which cannot be used due to high level of mineral content.Seawater is not suitable for home or human consumption, agriculture and farming.The fresh water can be extract from rainfall, natural springs, rivers and underground water for our usage.It is crucial that we ensure these sources are renewable and not polluted.There are steps to reduce wastage and being responsible to conserve water.We must appreciate the constant supply of water as it is a precious commodity in our country.

Water Crisis
Water is essential in life as 10 per cent loss of bodily fluids can result in death.Only 1 over 75 per cent of the earth’s water is suitable for human consumption. The world population is increasing at the rate of 80 million per year but our water supply is diminishing and heavily polluted.Water purification is expensive. Therefore, we must be responsible and try to save water for our future generations.

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